~Wordless Wednesday~

Salam and Mownink to All...
Have a happy and blasting day full with blessing of Ramadhan~!
*yeah.. lots of words.. I know!!*

But I cant Help it to share this pictures to all my sugar plump readers..

I snapped this picture while I'm on my way to Penang..
~Balik Kampung~

*Sorry for the blurry my dear sweethearts, snapped using my cap ayam phone =D*

Allah gave me the heart...
that came from the sky..
So I share this piece of art..
That is the reason why..



PinKy MoMMa said…
sesungguhnya ciptaan Dia memang indah..subhanAllah :)

pssst itu pink kaler ic utk my kids lor..budak2 kaler mmg sweet skit..org tua kaler biru..tak cantik hakhakhak
Unknown said…
Ya Allah...sungguh cantik ciptaan-Nya itu....terpegun jap
anismelon said…
cantik je even hp cap ayam..hehe..indah sungguh ciptaan Allah..:)
Nur Dalin said…
@PinkyMomma: Mmg Indah Ciptaan Tuhan.. ^_^
wHoops! hehe.. minta maaflah akak.. Dalin jakun sket, tak tahu pun myKid kaler ape.. hiks..
Nur Dalin said…
@...sWeeT uMi.. : cantikkan? time tu Dalin sorang je nampak dalam kereta.. lain2 tak perasan..
Nur Dalin said…
anismelon: Betulx3!! hehe.. banyak lagi ciptaan Dia yang belum berkesempatan nak tgk.. ^_^
Unknown said…
Hebat sungguh ciptaan Allah :)
Nur Dalin said…
@EYFAalias : kan? kan? byk lagi yg belum diterokai ciptaan-Nya :)
Mr.Superman said…
cantik..:) **dalin pun cantik :D
Nur Dalin said…
@abang Stalker: Gambar tu mmg Cantik..

*Blushing jap :"> *

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