Siapa yang membelasah pelajar Malaysia di London?

Assalamualaikum my sugarrrrr plump readers!!
Dalin masuk Satu Group di Facebook ni..

Help find the Rioters who beat, and then mugged this overseas student

They are also sympathise  to the victim..
and some of them said that they are ashamed to be called 'British'
but, I used to live in UK about 10 yrs ago..
Most of the Britsh ppl are so friendly and kind..
they would give free sweets and foods to the neigbours!
and also good-warm-delicious pie.. 
so, here are the picture of 20ppl that had beat up our student..
and I know Britain  wouldn't seat around and just do nothing!
Malaysia is one of the country that  is highly respected by UK.

 ape2pun, kita tunggu berita esok~!


Pocket said…
jer yg bagi pocket nampak cam mat saleh sikit.
yg lain nampak sikit jgak 'orang luar' gak

harap diorang jumpak mamat tu.
n ganti balik apa yg diorang dah amik tu. hoh!!
Nur Dalin said…
Pocket: Dalin dulu ada pengalam duduk di UK.. mmg ramai mat hitam n pakistan.. jgn main2 dgn diorang.. menakutkan..
MizzTina said…
mmg muka penjenayah.. grrrrrrrrr
Nur Dalin said…
@mizzkechique: kan? yg suka cari pasal dgn org lain..
Admin said…
memang macam bangla jual karpet..siyes..hehe
Nur Dalin said…
@Amirul Amin : kalau derang dtg Msia maybe bekerja sbgai bangla jual kapet.. haha.. tp mmg kt sana ramai org pakistan...
Diyana said…
hmm..tgk yg buat kaco bukan org britain sendiri pun.orang luar..teruk betul :(
Nur Dalin said…
@kak diyana: tu la.. org Brisith tu sampai malu nk ngaku British.. padahal tak tahu lagi yg buat tu mat salleh or org migrasi..
scha cha said…
kenapa diorg pukul student kita tuu?
Nur Dalin said…
@Scha al Ahmad: eh? tak tahu lg ke? sbb ada riot di London, derang ambil kesempatan.. student ni nak buka puasa, lps tu di rompak.. rahang terkopak.. buat operation..
Zura Tahir said…
kejam betul drg nie..
Nur Dalin said…
@Zura: tawu takpe.. smpai hati.. ambil kesempatan dia atas kekacauan di sana..
Unknown said…
ngeri je semua muka. huhhu
PinKy MoMMa said…
mcm muka bangla la huhuhu..
tapi serious kesian kt ashraf yg menjadi mangsa..

tak de belas kesian k diaorg ni!

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